Private hire cab drivers from the United Private Hire Drivers (UPHI) and the Independent Workers Union (IWGB) have been blocking the London Bridge and Parliament Square in protest of Mayor Sadiq Khan's decision to remove the exemption from the congestion charge for driving in Central London.
Private hire drivers were exempt from the 11.50 pound charge for driving in Central London. In December 2018, the Mayor announced that this exemption would be terminated on April 8, 2019, and drivers would now be required to pay for this charge.
Following this announcement, the drivers began to demand that the decision be reversed, claiming that the charge would gradually reduce their earnings and requesting the same benefits as the Black Cabs, which will continue to operate despite the charge.
"This congestion charge will affect the drivers that work in this sector. It represents a lot of money for them, being able to enter the zone daily, " Henry Chango Lopez, the president of IWGB of Ecuadorian origin, explains. "As well, the Mayor of London says that they are imposing this measure to help massively the congestion, but there are studies that prove it’s only 1% that would change."
The majority of the drivers are Hispanic or Arabic in origin. They are convinced that this is a case of discrimination and preference against ethnic minorities in London. For them, this is clear evidence of London's unequal labour system.
The Founder and General Secretary of UPHI, James Farrar, stated that they intend to continue protesting every Monday, blocking Parliament Square, until the Mayor responds to their demands, or until April 8. "If the Mayor does not respond then we will have his unfair decision challenged in the High Court," James explained.
According to the drivers, if this measure is implemented in April, they will lose 25% of their daily wage. It has a significant impact on their economies. "We are protesting for our rights. We have families, we have people to feed, we have bills to pay. We will have to impose a three thousand-pound congestion charge," Abdul, who has been a taxi driver for 10 years, said about this new policy.
Protests took place at London Bridge at the start of the year. To express their outrage, the crowd chanted "Justice" and "Shame on you." The protest began at 16:00, when drivers began to park their vehicles in the middle of the London Bridge.
Another taxi driver, Taffruz Mashuk, who has been a driver for 11 years, explained, "that not only will the black cabs not pay for the congestion, but the drivers who are registered in the European Member States are exempt as well." He explained that a lot of others are exempt and people don’t know how unfair it really is, and are taking the money from the poor.
One of the organizers, Mohamed Ali, said that: "We have plans that right now are top secret, but we are doing demonstrations every Monday, and we have started a legal fight to take him to court to sue him for discrimination."
"We are not asking the Black drivers to pay the charge as well, but if they are not paying, we are not going to pay either." Mohamed explained. He also said that the papers to sue him are on the way, and this Monday they will submit the application to the court.
The Mayor of London or TFL have yet to respond to these protests. Taffruz showed on his phone a Good Morning Britain interview with the Mayor in which he avoided the issue and attempted to change the subject.
The Mayor explains in the audio that the government is preparing to implement the "toughest congestion charge in the world." He stated that the goal is to change the driving habits of those who drive the most polluting vehicles.
He mentioned that "it is unfair that many families, especially poor families, are being affected by this, but they have been told to change the vehicles." The Mayor hasn’t done any other interview about this issue.